Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chrome Reflection #1 (My Life & Kanye West Analyzation)

(I think I'm iight & I think my thought patterns are NORMAL...)
BUT -> I'm just thinking how addicted I am/have become to the endless marketing and promotion this & thing affords -> And i'm starting to second guess my & people's purpose in life, in general.

I've figured out why Kanye West's lyrics/music is soooo popular based upon what you're 'bout to read below.

It's just that we are all walkin' contradictions no matter how hard we try to stay a course. We all doubt ourselves at least once or twice (I don't care what any of y'all say...) and the fact of the matter is that people in general gravitate to everything that may or may not be good for us under the guise of self happiness and in pursuit of self preservation...

(I LOVE HIS MUSICAL SENSE ALSO & I'm Not Hating In the Least Bit Here! Nor is this blog pointed at Kanye - I'd love to meet him oneday, soon, lol...)
Don't get me wrong, I'm mos def not holier than thou. In my life I try and share with people and give back to our world as much as the next man (I think...)

Hmmm? Still contemplating my life here... Thinkin'... Still thinkin...

-> Like, are we all just living to die or are we living to live and enjoy each and everyday, looking forward and not backward. And are we/am I, striving for a level of acceptance that I should only be seeking from God?

We all gotta live, making a living -> hopefully doing what we love - and that's all i'm tryna do y'all. And this includes making music that is unadulterated by some Major Label's perception of what a young black/white/red/yellow/or blue man/woman should write, sing, & rap about...

I hope and pray that some of y'all feel me on this spewing of randomn reflectiveness that has over taken me so suddenly...

-> Anyway, besides those reflections above, I guess I'm iight. <-

*Like always and everyday, please enjoy my/our Jukebox

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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Purple Reflection #1 (New Orleans & 911)

I'm just feeling a little embarrased by the way our nation, which is viewed as the RICHEST AND MOST POWERFUL NATION IN THE WORLD, can't seem to help it's own people efficiently. It's more than evident that out administration is only interested in bolstering their own economic status as well as their world domineering/oppressive standings and strongholds.

My Prayer For The People:
Lord, please have mercy on and look after the remaining members of families who have experienced such losses as the tradgedies of both 9/11 AND Katrina, in New Orleans...

Just because some of us are existing/living in good fortune, right now as we speak, doesn't mean that we are to forget those in poverty and need
(***their current situations could of just as easily happened to you and me***)

-> REMEMBER DAT, Please! - Seneca Malcolm

A Musical Representation Of Me: Who I Am & What I've Experienced...

It's Your Boy Purple Chrome
(Bx., NY Underground Ghost Producer)


"This Is A Musical Representation Of Who I Am,
Straight Through To My Core."

It's Purple Chrome, Baby...

***Remember: Always Be True To Yourself***

( Real Person <-> Real Profile )